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Gravely Unusual “The Most Unusual Illustrated Magazine!” is a 72-page, Black and White, horror themed magazine featuring comics, fiction, and interviews. Published by Terror Nosferatu Propaganda.

In “Clamor of the Bells” by Matthew M. Montelione (words), Pedro Lajud (art), and Eduardo Camacho (letters), an 18th century gentleman finds himself in a hellish, dream-like place somehow familiar yet foreign. Unable to utter a sound and surrounded by silence, he follows the strange ringing of bells…into the dark unknown!

In “Welcome to the Black Church” we get a change of pace as musical artist JakProgresso (AKA Jak Tripper) sits down for an interview. During the exchange JakProgresso talks about music, reading, movies, and his personal history with witches, gypsies, and the supernatural among other things.

Next a weary traveler stops to help a couple of kids in “Treppegeist” by Matt McGrath (words) and James English (art). The children claim their cat has run off into an old building. The traveler agrees to enter the creepy place to find the kids’ kitty…but things aren’t what they seem!

Then come two written pieces. First Adrian Encomienda treats us to a story about a family curse with a dark twist in Blank Page 237! Then Scott Hughes brings us a tale of two friends that venture out into the night to learn the dark secret of The Bone Box!

Returning to comics, Scott Bryan Wilson (writer) and Tom Napolitano (artist) conspire to give us The Unswerving Honesty of Reflections! In this tale a young man re-tales of a disturbing fateful family reunion that leaves its ominous mark on all involved over the course of decades!

At the Lexington Comics and Toy Convention the powers behind Gravely Unusual had the good fortune to briefly interview James O’Barr (The Crow)! In this quick Q and A you get a real feel for the type of guy O’Barr is and his general view of the comic book industry.

And in the final offering of this collection of Gravely Unusual stories, interviews, and comics we end with Deflower by Edwin Gallihan (story) and Sean Kelley (art)! This touching tale revolves around a young girl growing up to realize her childhood dream of one day being given away by her beloved father to…Darkness!

Gravely Unusual proved to be a unique pleasure to read and feast my eyes on! The horror theme bleeds across all 72 pages in dark delights of black ink on glossy paper. Long shadows cast their reach throughout the magazine touching a variety of characters, pulling them all into glorious gory peril sure to please the dark hearted!

Find Gravely Unusual at and on Instagram at and on Twitter at  and on Facebook at

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